Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries. The official theme for 2022 is Invest In Our Planet.

Find an Event Near You

Various organizations, individuals and groups around the world have organized events to celebrate, advocate and save the planet.
Interested in taking part this year?

Use the dashboard below to find an event close to your location.

While attending events is encouraged, please make sure you adhere to the local restrictions with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Earth-Day.ORG


Please note that all volunteers and participants take part of their own free will and neither African Surveyors Connect, EARTHDAY.ORG nor local organizers can be held responsible for any unexpected situations. Please consult and comply with your local health guidelines.
If in-person events are discouraged by health officials in your area, this map includes online events from around the world. You can filter by your language and interests to find a great Earth Day event to enjoy.