FIG Mentorship program 2023

If l have been able to see further than others, it is by standing on shoulders of giants – Sir Isaac Newton.

This quote speaks volume about the importance of mentorship programs for not only the mentee but the mentor as well. We all need mentors at one point of our lives to guide us on how they navigated the crossroads and trailblazed the new paths to reach where we ourselves aspire to go.

The 2023 FIG Mentorship program has come at the right time to assist us as young surveyors to connect, network and learn from our senior surveyors.

Lets us not let this opportunity pass us both the young and senior surveyors. Apply to get mentored or mentor as well.

Deadline for applications 2 June 2023

Mentors click on the following link to apply –

Mentees click on the following link –

What are you waiting for. Call for applications are open.

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